1.)  Every Tuesday, two of you will be chosen to post a short paragraph talking about anything related to English usage and learning.  It could be a thought, an experience, or an observation you have had, ideally on our class topics for the week.  Make sure it is worth our time.  

2.)  Your post must be 250-275 words long and may be accompanied by photos/illustrations or learning resources that might help the class. DO NOT cheat on this project by stealing/ copying other people's ideas.  Always cite your sources.  I will not hesitate to report you to school authorities should I catch you at plagiarism.

3.)  Everybody else is expected to comment/get a discussion going on the content and structure of the two posts, especially if you spot any grammar, vocabulary, or usage error.  I will be taking note of those "kind-hearted" people who are quick to point out these errors.  I will expect you to know what I am talking about when I mention a particular post or comment in class.

4.)  The deadline for posting is 8pm of every Saturday.  The deadline for commenting is Sunday midnight.

5.)  Unless your user name is your full name, kindly write your name after each post.  How are we to know who maroontikbalang is?

6.)  Be respectful in your comments.  We are all grown-ups with a (supposedly) decent education.  The goals here are to share our knowledge and to enjoy the journey of learning English with one another. 

7.) Posts and comments must be written in English.  Text lingo is definitely not welcome.

That is basically it.  I might add a few more as we go and see how this turns out, but until then, please go by these guidelines.

Happy posting. =) 

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